Monday, April 27, 2009


im seriously in love with this city.

i was in awe while walking through the parking lot.  i almost started tearing up when i got up to the window mlk jr. was shot at.  they have built the national civil rights museum here which is so incredibly interesting and horrible to think that most of it just happened 50 years ago.

and now onto fun:

this bar was so good.  it was so incredibly bright inside, and the juke box was so quiet it was almost like you were hanging out in someones living room and their parents were trying to sleep -  but they happened to have random friends that had their dogs with them and they had a fully stocked pbr only bar.
its also the location for the cat power "lived in bars" video. i love her.

the peabody marches their ducks through the lobby every day.  its so weird and funny its worth it.  they actually walk down a red carpet into an elevator to go back to their cages. and for some reason the ducks look totally cool with the whole operation.

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