Sunday, March 1, 2009

central park safari

you know when you stumble upon something and it just seems way too good to be true. well i just did. 
 "wildman" steve brill hosts tours of the different parks here in new york.  there is a particular tour of central park coming up on march 14th that involves him showing you what you can eat that grows naturally throughout the 843 acres.  and he does all this wearing that amazing safari hat, wire rimmed glasses, and a smile.  

the tours are donation only, and you are encouraged to bring plastic, cloth, and paper bags to gather your foragings.  seriously.  i mean come on. its like my dream. new york rules.
you have to watch the video, it really seals the deal.  he conducts this tour with a sense of humor that is part educational, and part cuckoo - i think im in love.
hes definitely on the list of people who make a dinner party.  move over benjamin franklin.

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